In-Person and Online Music Lessons / Group Classes
for All Ages and Abilities in Bellingham, WA and Beyond!

Scroll down to SIGN UP or LOG IN to the student portal.

Want to join a student band? We check out our groups and audition information!

Welcome to Bellingham’s central hub of students, musicians, instructors, audio engineers, bands and musical community!

Private lessons:
- Audio Engineering Basics
- Banjo
- Bass Guitar
- Cello
- Clarinet
- Drums & Percussion
- Fiddle
- Flute
- Guitar
- Keyboards and Synthesizers
- Mandolin
- Piano
- Saxophone
- Songwriting
- Trombone
- Trumpet
- Ukulele
-Upright Bass
- Viola
- Violin
- Voice

Group Classes:
- Preteen Band Class (ages 10-13)
- Teen Rockband (ages 14-18)
- Bluegrass Slow Jam (10 and up)
- Adult Jam band Experience (18 and up)

2 Locations:
- Bellinghome on Meridian (2512 Meridian St, Bellingham, WA 98225)
- Bellinghome North (3703 Bennett Dr Bellingham, WA 98225)

Rehearsal Space:
14 rehearsal studios in varying sizes.

Performance Opportunities:
Our students frequently perform at the following Bellingham locations.
Kulshan Trackside, Boundary Bay Brewery, Firehouse Arts and Events Center, The Blue Room, Zeeks Pizza, and Menace Brewery.

Recording Studio:
Check out Taylor Made Productions in studio 8 at Bellinghome on our Meridian St. location.

Parent / Student Portal Login

Our Student Parent Login area has been moved. You can find it by scrolling up and hitting the
“Log in to Student/Parent Portal” button
or by going to “Log In” on our website’s navigation menu.

Watch recap videos from our past events HERE!

New and returning merchandise is back in the store!

Latest News

bellingham music lessons bass player

COVID-19 / Flu Season Operations:

Fall 2024

Requirements and Guidelines:

At Bellinghome School of Music we are making sure COVID-19 safety is a priority.  Our staff and instructors are all vaccinated for our and your safety. We also have HEPA filter air purifiers running in our building. Please review the following information to ensure everyone coming into the school is following our safety guidelines.  Please keep in mind when experiencing symptoms, please stay home and do your lesson over zoom as that option is still available and helps the school maintain its sustainability during flu season.

  • Mask Wearing - Masks are optional.

  • Teachers will sanitize highly touched surfaces (door handles, music stands, pianos, etc) after every lesson.  

  • Bellinghome will have extra scheduled restroom cleanings.

  • You must notify Bellinghome immediately if you or somebody you have had close contact with are diagnosed with COVID-19.

  • Use the hand sanitizing station at the front entrance or wash your hands with soap and water upon entering the building.

  • Your temperature will be taken upon entry.

    Symptoms include:

    • Fever (100.4° F or higher) or chill

    • Cough, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing

    • Sore throat, nasal congestion, or runny nose

    • Recent loss of taste or smell

    • Muscle or body aches

    • Headache

    • Nausea, vomiting or diarrhea

    • Unusual fatigue

      Staff and students should not come to school or work if:

    • They tested positive within the past five days or have been told to self-isolate or self-quarantine because of concerns about a COVID-19 infection.

      We appreciate your patience and understanding with the COVID-19 situation. Your safety in our establishment is our #1 priority. We will be sending out updates if anything changes and also keeping our instructors up to date as well. So feel free to reach out to the front desk (360-922-0382) or contact your teacher if you have any questions. Thanks again!